The work of the smart city transport is based on an intellectual system. It means the integration of operational management of all modes of transport and the ability to respond to events in real time. The main goal is the creation of a pedestrian-oriented city and the desire to reduce the use of private cars to a minimum. Therefore, serious attention is paid to public transport.
How it works?
A single network of sensors regulates the functioning of the city's basic life support systems, monitors the movement of vehicles, monitors the condition of structural elements of buildings, supplies dispatch points with both visual and statistically processed information. Any citizen is available a variety of services: from the hint, in which parking to leave the car, to the notification of the time of arrival of the bus.
Integrated systems and thoughtful interface
Critical for the successful operation of the system points - it is, first of all, transport and transfer junctions, which also includes intercepting parking. In order to ensure their functioning, it is necessary to integrate information and navigation systems within a single smart city platform. Great importance in the intellectual transport system has the presence of a single transport interface, oriented to the needs of the residents of the smart city and guests.
Who needs smart transport
The result of the smart transport management for pedestrians and motorists is a single space through which it is safer and easier to navigate. At the same time, municipal authorities have convenient access to traffic control. And urban services receive constantly updated algorithms and scenarios that help to make prompt and informed decisions in any, even contingency situations.