Noventiq offers its customers software licensing, products and solutions from more than 3,000 IT vendors. We offer operating systems, office programs, IS solutions, system software, bookkeeping and warehouse programs, virtualization tools, cloud solutions, management tools, backup, DBMS, CRM, ERP, and other infrastructure and application solutions, specialized software. Excellent knowledge of corporate licensing programs enables us to minimize the costs of customers.
On-Premises Delivery of Software and Hardware
Noventiq offers software delivery through the traditional purchase of licenses. A transaction is usually preceded by consultations and selection of the best product. Noventiq services will help to effectively put purchased solutions into operation.
For Rent and as SaaS-solutions
We offer to purchase a large number of software solutions as a service of subscription via the Internet-based access. In this case, applications are hosted by the Noventiq data center, and there is no need for a customer to maintain an infrastructure required for its work.
SPLA, CSP, VSPP Programs
Service providers that offer services to end users based on Microsoft, Citrix, VMware or “Security Code" solutions can take advantage of these programs for their licensing. In this case, only actual software usage is paid by the end user.
We Have Many Offerings For All Types Of Customers
We have a thorough vision of the needs of large holdings, corporations and groups of companies. The main point is that in any large company IT powers all business processes, both main and secondary, from warehousing and marketing to claims management and accounting. This is the very case when 99.9999% fault-tolerance rate is not just a good-looking figure and even the fourth nine after the dot is mission critical.
Small and Medium Businesses
Each business needs to store data, keep accounting books and communicate with the outer world - and it is required only for survival, as a matter of fact every company would strive for more. For example, setting up a file server is good, but building protected and extendable file storage available for everyone is many times better. E-mail, instant messaging and phone can be replaced with unified communications, random scattered software and miscellaneous systems can be turned into consolidated remotely controlled infrastructure. Moreover, it is necessary to stay within budgets and avoid saving at the expense of functionality. We believe that these requirements are both consistent and realistic. Nowadays enterprise level IT systems are affordable for small and medium businesses.
Public Sector Organizations
The level of information technology usage by public sector organizations directly influences the competitive advantages of a country as a whole. That's why we consider that working with the state is a great honor and an enormous responsibility. We are sure that the state will manage to break the common stereotype about government agencies known to be inert, to establish simple and convenient interaction between citizens and businesses on one side and authorities on the other side. Furthermore, we know well the peculiarities of IT budget allocation and implementation, as well as acquisition regulations that are obligatory for governmental structures. And, finally, we possess deep knowledge of software licensing mechanisms, which enables us to get maximum discounts and to make good use of special conditions offered by vendors for government organizations.
Academic and Non-Profit Organizations
Nearly all software vendors offer special licensing conditions for academic and non-profit organizations. This refers not only to schools, colleges and universities, but also to all educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional level, institutions of advanced training, training centers, libraries, museums and administrative governing bodies for educational institutions. There is no shame in cutting costs; the shame lies in pirating. Even with a modest budget it is possible to build a properly functioning IT infrastructure that will provide company with basic workflows. We know how to solve tasks of our clients with minimum expenses!