SEMINAR TOPICS: new IT market trends, Cisco UCS, networking equipment and Cisco ACI, as well as guidelines on enterprise IT infrastructure optimization from the leading experts.
THE AUDIENCE: the seminar will be interesting for CIOs, heads of IT departments, technical specialists, procurement managers.
Don’t miss the chance to ask questions to leading technical experts and to get first-hand information.
Cisco UCS is a data center architecture developed by Cisco Systems. It consolidates computing and network systems, storage and virtualization resources into a single system.
During the seminar, we will tell you about the Cisco ACI architecture and explain how to use it in the network of your data center to ensure effective exploitation, information security, virtualization support, and management automation.
You will find out, what tasks of application developers, data center owners, cybersecurity departments can be solved with Cisco ACI.
We will discuss actual examples of the solutions implementation by our clients, the objectives that they placed and the situations arising during the deployment of UCS and ACI in the new data centers or at the modernization of the existing ones.
- ATTENTION! The seminar is aimed at corporate clients! The number of attendants is limited! The applications for participation are accepted until December, 7 (if vacant seats are available)
- The event is FREE OF CHARGE. Participants must confirm their registration before the event! Not more than 2 engineers from one organization are allowed!
- To ask any questions about the event, please call +99412 597-30-58, ext. 111